volunteer, Intern, Dietetic intern ,
/Available as a DI Preceptor: Yes
Posted 3 years ago
Experiences/rotations can include education/projects related to: entrepreneurship and basic management, intuitive eating, Health At Every Size and weight neutrality, clinical nutrition for eating disorders and general nutrition, educational handout/worksheet/presentation creation, counseling skills, eating disorder prevention/body positive program development, marketing and social media content creation, research gathering/interpretation, etc. Rotations can include working directly with clients (depending on client approval) in virtual sessions if desired.
I can accept interns year-round and am open to various rotation lengths. That being said, a minimum of two weeks is recommended to benefit from including this in your internship experience. Depending on learning needs and desired experiences, 4+ weeks is recommended for a rotation with me.
Job Expectation : Dietetic Interns: based on needs of internship program and type of rotation; expectations of intern and preceptor to be discussed and agreed upon prior to start of rotation.
Non-DI interns and volunteers: Ideally able to intern 2+ hours/week. Unpaid.
Posted By: Amy Reynolds, RD, CDCES
Amy Reynolds, RD, CDCES
I own a virtual outpatient nutrition therapy practice and primarily work with individuals who have eating disorders or otherwise struggle with disordered eating. I'm a HAES-aligned provider and exclusively counsel with an anti-diet, intuitive eating, weight-neutral food/nutrition philosophy. In addition to specializing in eating disorders and having worked at all levels of ED treatment (residential, PHP, IOP, OP), I am a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and have worked in acute/critical care, general outpatient counseling and oncology.
I love teaching and working with interns and can adapt rotations to meet the individual learning needs and skills/interests of individual interns. Rotations can include education/projects related to: entrepreneurship and basic management, intuitive eating, Health At Every Size and weight neutrality, clinical nutrition for eating disorders and general nutrition, educational handout/worksheet/presentation creation, counseling skills, eating disorder prevention/body positive program development, marketing and social media content creation, research gathering/interpretation, etc. Rotations can include working directly with clients (depending on client approval) in virtual sessions if desired.
I can accept volunteers and interns year-round and am open to various rotation lengths. That being said, a minimum of two weeks is recommended to benefit from including this in your internship experience. Depending on learning needs and desired experiences, 4+ weeks is recommended for a rotation with me.
Area(s) of Specialty: Behavior Change,
Body Confidence,
Digestive Health,
Eating Disorders,
Food Freedom,
Functional Medicine,
General Health and Wellness,
Health At Every Size,
Intuitive Eating,
Mental Health,
Non-Diet Approach,
Nutrition Education/Teaching,
Area(s) of practice: Clinical Setting,
Private Practice,
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/nutritionandwellnessco/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/reyno2al